What to Expect From Online Drum Lessons

Like most other people at this time, you’re probably stuck at home and getting a little stir-crazy. But if you have at least a pair of sticks and a practice pad, you can still take drum lessons online.

Throughout the past several weeks, our instructors have all successfully transitioned to giving online drum lessons using the power of the Internet. By meeting with students through Zoom and Skype, our instructors are able to continue providing high-quality drum lessons. But drum lessons online are a little bit different than meeting in person. So let’s discuss what to expect from taking drum lessons online.

From the Instructor’s End

Our instructors are equipped with electronic drum sets and computers with webcams, allowing students to clearly hear and see everything the instructors demonstrate. Instructors can see and hear students the same way, though it’s not entirely necessary for students to plug their drum sets into a computer (the technology gets a little more involved. More on that topic another time…).

Through the use of screen sharing, our instructors can write out grooves and exercises using notation software, which functions like a virtual whiteboard. Then, at the end of each lesson, your instructor will email you the materials covered. With this system, students can compile lesson materials to easily reference later, which encourages good practice habits. Instructors can also share videos, recordings, and even a metronome in real-time, which is super helpful for further demonstrating and practicing new concepts.

From the Student’s End

Online drum lessons are guided by the student’s musical goals and interests, just like with in-person lessons. But students may find themselves limited by the gear they have at home. While many of our students have their own electronic or acoustic drum set, some possess just a pad and sticks. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to remain productive regardless of gear.

Students with sticks and a practice pad can use online drum lessons to really strengthen fundamentals such as technique, coordination, control, and speed, which will all directly translate to drum set playing. Shifting focus to the fundamentals may expose weaknesses that might not be as obvious while playing on a kit. Using this time to revisit and build upon the basics will also boost your confidence once you’re behind a drum set again.

While online drum lessons can’t completely replace the experience of having an instructor get up close and put your playing under a microscope, they still offer personalized materials and live feedback, just at a healthy distance (pun absolutely intended).

Ready to try it out for yourself? Schedule an online drum lesson with one of our awesome instructors.


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